I found someone to run with! You know that sports program I was talking about? Well the man asked me why I wasn't there last week. I told him I was but no one was there..well apparently everyone came..but an hour late! So on Tuesday I showed up at 4:30 PM. We ran around the make shift track (it is basically a path around a field) around the soccer field. And then we did some stretches and short drills. Then I was introduced to this 56 year old TZ man who runs everyday, he lives in the flats like I do. He is the head sports tutor here at the institute. So today I met him at 6 AM in the morning and he ran with me and showed me a route that goes through the back of the school. It is absolutely beautiful and I probably wouldn't have known it existed on my own as it is not near the area I usually go for the market. Also it is good for the knees, somewhat like a trail run but at the same time more packed dirt than a normal trail. There were some short blips (hills) to spice things up. So now I am going to proceed to run with him kila siku (every day). Tomorrow I will bring my Garmin GPS to measure the route, it works here (well at least it did in Morogoro)! We saw his son running too..he definitely looks like a runner..he is a student at school here. I am excited for my new running partner. And I am thinking of taking up soccer...what do you think?
Now some totally unrelated stuff: People here like to get up really early..like 7 AM on weekends! But luckily I am a morning person so I am adapting well. And people like to be real late to things..hopefully it is not a habit I will carry over with me. But things are changing as some people actually are on time but they tend to be the ones who have studied abroad. I found out also that teachers that stay here get a half acre plot to plant whatever they want! No wonder I always see them going to their shambas (farms)! Too bad planting season is starting to end or so they say. Yesterday I found out the TZ gal that I like to hang out with is back from Dar..so I went over her place. She is 25 years old and she quit school young because she was pregnant with her child but she is going back to school. Her kid is the cutest thing! And I love the gal..she is so awesome with her sense of humor and jokes..she is definitely what I call spicy. :) My type of gal..totally..strong minded and independent..