Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Surviving in Tanzania
Some survival skills you need to know here are how to take a bucket bath, use a pit latrines, to use a charcoal stove, wash clothes by hand (without a machine) and then dry them on the line, to mop the floor with a rag, cut veggies without a cutting board, peel veggies without using a peeler- just a knife, bury or burn your trash (there is no curbside pickup here), carry various heavy objects on your head, do things (like brushing your teeth, washing your hands, etc.) without running water, and to cut grass using a machete (no lawn mowers here). Also it helps if you are strong enough to fetch water. But no worries you will learn most of these things if you have been here long enough. I am still learning many of these things (luckily I have been exposed to many of these things when I visit my relatives in India) but I have been given the stamp of approval at washing my clothes by hand. :) Look at how many things we take for granted in the States and there are more things as well. Like there are no school buses. Some children walk for 2 hours just to get to school! That is if they can't afford public transport. Yes, people get their daily exercise just living life here as opposed to having to do additional stuff. No wonder they think I am crazy when I go running just for fun.