Friday, October 17, 2008

My name is a wimbo in Tanzania...

Two interesting things about names. My American mother's name is uma, in swahili that means fork. :)

Another interesting thing. Apparently there is a really popular Tanzanian Bongo Flava song called Anita by Matonya. It was real popular last year for a few months which explains why people's eyes light up over here when I tell them my name. So thank you mom and dad for calling me Anita...just kidding. The song is about a husband telling his wife (named Anita) to come back home (she's staying at her parent's place). Apparently she leaves to her parent's place after learning that he is cheating on her from other people. In the song he says I would never cheat on you, all those other people are lying and I only want to be with you. It's basically a love song with an interesting beat.

Here is a link to the video if you want to watch, unfortunately I can't as the network is to slow here so tell me what you think as I have no idea what it contains. It's probably not as good quality as the States as most music videos here aren't as good in production quality.

Video of Anita by Matonya