That is what I soon will be after training and as I am interning as a teacher I am amazed at how they learn with so little resources. The computer lab at the secondary school is made up of Windows 95, computers with differing keyboards (German, US, etc) which can be confusing for the students, and 300 MB hard disk space. It made me realize how far technology has gotten since then and how far behind it is in that school. Yet at the same time I know that just because it’s Windows 95 doesn’t mean that it is any worse than Vista. Every form (it’s like grade in the States) is learning the same thing like what is a computer, what is a mouse, etc since the school just got computers. Even though it would be more fun for me to teach programming, these basic things are essential as most Tanzanian families do not own computers. If they do have exposure to computers most likely it would be in the internet cafes in town. The States doesn’t have internet cafes like they do here because most families own computers or can access computers through public resources like libraries. The only problem is they don't understand how to type or what is meant by a right click of the mouse. The syllabus instead focuses on definitions. They first need to learn typing and using a computer. The school we are student teaching it isn't taking the national exams yet. I think they may start to take them next year.
Teaching is going ok but at the same time frustrating. We have 40 minute periods only once or twice a week. I definitely have to slow down my English but that is alright with me. Though sometimes students understand the concept but just don't talk because they are shy (which I can totally relate to). When I see a student get a concept they didn't originally understand it makes me so happy. We end our teaching next week. We are currently teaching Excel in Form 2 and teaching why technology is important in the real world in Form 3 for O levels. I think I like teaching, but I do miss programming. Maybe I will create a program to teach typing in my spare time..who knows. We'll see.
On other note: I can't wait for pineapple and mango season in December! I will be buying them frequently when I get to site. :) If they are available. Also my favorite soda is Tangawizi..a ginger soda that when you breathe in while drinking makes you cough..potent like wasabi. We also just had our mid exams this past Friday. :) I know I probably did better on the writing than on the oral, but that is life. :) We changed language teachers as well. We got write in ballots so I am definitely voting yet I haven't received my absentee ballot from Michigan. And Diwali will be the end of this month. And I got a dress made here with the local kitenge fabric. It is a wrap style top, a head scraf, and a pencil skirt with a flared bottom. I think it's pretty cute, new clothes just in time for Diwali! And on that note, the Hindu temple in town is having fireworks so I might go for that. Apparently there is an alright Indian restaurant in town which I will have to check out sometime as well, it's called Oasis. Some of the volunteers have already checked it out. We will find out where we are going to be posted near my bday (Nov 18th) in Dar. So I will finally be 28 then! Finding out where my site is will be a bday present for me! :)