Walking around Tanzania you see lots of support for Barack. In case you didn't know his name means blessing in Swahili. Apparently his baba is from Kenya, his bibi lives there now, and they will have a party in the town where his father was from if he wins. I don't know if this is true..this is all heresay. It's amazing the support here and the fact that lots of Tanzanians know about American politics..though them knowing is not so odd..most countries know what happens in America. Lots of the people here hope Obama wins but at the same time don't think he will because he is black. I hope the American people can prove them wrong. I tell them it doesn't have to do with what color he is, it is the issues that are important. Here is an example of support for him that we saw walking around Morogoro:

On that note: Please vote today..no matter your choice as I am sure I have friends who's choice differs from my own..it is important. I voted by absentee from Tanzania. Tomorrow the people in our trainee group are getting up at 6 AM in the morning to watch the election results here in Morogoro. We are aware that Daylight Savings time has happened in the States. And here is a picture of the beautiful surroundings of the town of Morogoro just to invoke peace: