Friday, November 21, 2008
Bustani kwa miasha for a better life
Today we learned about permaculture and how we can develop gardens in our communities as a way of making a sustainable food source. It was an interesting topic as the guy who taught it was very passionate about it. I definitely learned alot and feel ashamed of my paltry little tomatoes plants that somehow grew in the Northeast with my obvious lack of knowledge on what the heck I was doing. We learned about double digging, creating a bed, and how to space out make a garden with only a jembe (hoe) as a tool! We also learned how to create a compost pile. I hope to have a garden at my site..that is if I actually have land. On another note pretty soon mango season will hit us over the's in December! And one more note..kiti moto (translates to hot seat) is the term for pork here, because if you eat pork and you are Islamic you will be in the hot seat. On my way to school here I passed an interesting sign..Pata Kiti Moto Kwa Afya..get pork for health. I don't know what to think of that being the vegetarian that I am, but I did take a picture of it.